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Snow Safety

Snow Safety

It’s that time of the year again… let’s discuss snow safety and how to keep your spine happy for the winter! Shovelling1 – start by doing a simple warm up. Do some shoulder circles, knee to chests, and a quick walk to increase blood flow and prepare your body. It is...
Can listening to music really help us feel better?

Can listening to music really help us feel better?

Let’s chat… The Safe and Sound Protocol Created by Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D., the author of the Polyvagal Theory. This theory helps us understand the role the nervous system plays in regulating our overall health and behaviour. The emphasis in this approach is...
Raking Ergonomics

Raking Ergonomics

Hello, Fall! Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! As the leaves start to change, we can (sadly) expect them to fall soon after. With that being said, let’s chat about raking leaves. What a great way to get outside, soak up the vitamin D, get fresh air and move our...
Representation of Women in Healthcare

Representation of Women in Healthcare

As a woman soon to be entering the field as a rehabilitative professional, I have realized the importance of having female representation in the healthcare field and want to share some thoughts. After working with the Waterdown Village Chiropractic & Wellness...
Back to School/Work Reminders!

Back to School/Work Reminders!

Happy back to school and work for all who had a summer off! As we ease back into the swing of things, it is good to be aware of how we are spending our school and workdays. The little things can add up, so here is some info and tips to keeping well. Screentime,...
Postpartum Care: Crucial For Women!

Postpartum Care: Crucial For Women!

During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor and core muscles undergo significant stress and strain. The weight of the growing baby, hormonal changes, and the process of labor and delivery can lead to stretching, weakening, and potential injury to these muscles....