Skillful Birthing

Labour and Delivery Classes: Your Blueprint for a Confident Birth Experience

Are you ready to embark on the journey of your baby’s birth with confidence and skill? Are you ready to have a better birth experience for you and your baby? Skillful Birthing is not just a course; it's a blueprint for birthing your baby designed for all pregnant women and their partners.

Dr. Cheryl van der Mark, developer of Skillful Birthing, goes beyond conventional approaches by embracing physiological and conscious birthing while empowering you with knowledge, choices and the body skills and strategies required for each step of the miraculous process of labor and delivery!

Say goodbye to fear and uncertainty! Say hello to a more relaxed, informed, and actively involved birthing experience!

Check out the Skillful Birthing Course at

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Become Skilled At Your Birth

Have a Better Birth Experience

Decrease FEAR of labour and birth


LEARN why pain occurs in labour and delivery

Get the KNOWLEDGE you need about the process

Learn how to DEAL with each STAGE of labour

PRACTICE body SKILLS to help your BABY navigate the process

DECREASE PAIN through relaxation and ACTIVE passiveness

Gain the CONFIDENCE needed to EMBRACE the process of birthing your baby

Learn birth POSITIONS and when to use them

Learn EFFECTIVE PUSHING skills for birth

BE PREPARED and an active participant in the birth of your baby 

And who doesn’t want that?.....

Sign Up for Skillful Birthing