Did you know at least 80% of the general population has foot problems? This is a big deal – because foot problems can alter gait and may cause pathology in upstream joints (think the knees – hips – spine!).
The two main functions of the feet and ankles are for propulsion and support; to allow us to move yet allow for stability to hold us up! Joints of the lower leg, ankle and foot all work together as a functional group so we want everything to work together well.
Quick anatomy lesson time – the feet and ankles are a collection of many parts linked together. There are three main arches in the foot – the medial longitudinal (the inside arch), the lateral longitudinal (the outer arch) and the transverse arch (the one across our feet). There are 26 bones in each foot and many joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles around. All these moving parts need to work together to accomplish their goal. Sometimes due to one’s anatomy, stress and strain, injuries, poor footwear and more, some of these littles bones can get stuck and restricted or muscles can weaken which affects our arches and ultimately impacts our whole lower chain!
So, what can you do? First, be assessed by one of the WVCWG Chiropractors! We do thorough assessments of your body as a whole and can assess ankle and foot mobility. If your Chiropractor thinks it’s necessary; some of these joints may be adjusted. This will restore good biomechanics from the bottom up and provide good feedback up to the brain.
Secondly, good shoes + orthotics! Your feet want to be supported in a way that benefits how they move. Orthotics are a great supplement to your overall health. Custom orthotics help redistribute pressure on the bottom of the feet, allow for proper biomechanics and help your feet’s positioning where they need extra support, and send good feedback to the brain as above, for optimal foot health!
As we spend more time outside with this beautiful spring weather, consider taking care of your feet, they will thank you!
Dr. Jessica Tamminga (Kempton)
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