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Let’s answer the most important question first. Can Postural Restoration improve posture without you having to think about it all day? Yes!  But Postural Restoration is about much more than posture. The Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) was founded in 2000 and has trained hundreds of healthcare professionals over the years, mainly physiotherapists and chiropractors.

The basic concept of PRI is that the human body is asymmetrical.

Have you ever noticed that when you walk, one foot might point forward while the other points to the side? How about that one arm might swing more than the other while walking? If you look at the soles of your shoes, does the tread wear out the same on both right and left?

Or maybe when you look in the mirror, you see one shoulder being higher than the other or that your chin points to one side instead of being straight?

There are some other clues that might tell us that someone is too “stuck on one side.”

The idea with PRI is to use exercise techniques to help us use both sides of the body almost equally (we’ll always prefer one side vs. the other, but the balance can be improved). 

In a PRI focused assessment, some simple tests are used to determine where your asymmetries are (some of us have more, some have less). 

The tests include looking at neck motion, rib cage movement, breathing, and pelvic movement and control.

Based on that, you will be given 1-4 techniques to do at home that will help even things out. Gaining more balance side to side will help take pressure away from your aching neck, back, shoulder, hip, knee… The list goes on (and of course, it can improve posture).

Techniques will be done 1-2 times per day for at least a week, then you will be re-evaluated and progressed as needed. This will be repeated for 4-5 weeks. The great thing about these techniques is that when they are done properly, the change is almost instant.

You might also be surprised to find out that in some cases, stretching less would be better for you or that you need to “slump” a little when you sit rather than sit upright. Just remember that too much of anything is never great for your body.

Physiotherapist Mike has already completed over 50 hours of extra training through PRI, and is always in the process of learning more! Book in for an assessment or free consult to see if Postural Restoration can help you or someone you know!